
Become a Successful Trader

October 13, 2014

Fall is Here! And so are a Few Changes

Wow it’s been a busy couple of months! (I feel like I start every blog post off that way these days).

A lot has happened this summer and there have been some big (and exciting) changes in my life. As many of you know, I got married in July and it’s been great! I did more travelling this year, spending time in 19 states mostly for bike racing, but also a little leisure šŸ™‚

After 5 years of spending my winters in Scottsdale, Arizona my wife and I decided to move there permanently. Well, just north of the Phoenix valley a few hours. We’ll still get seasons, but won’t see anything close to the brutal winters of Chicagoland.

Find Your Groove

Trading is all about finding your groove, a routine, a rhythm. Whether it’s waking up each morning, sitting on your porch sipping your coffee and reading the newspaper, getting out for a run, or taking the dog for a walk, find a way to make trading part of life’s routine.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a full-time trader or work a 9-5 job and dabble in the markets during your spare time. The only way to truly build a lasting career in this business (aside from taking it seriously and treating it as a business) is to incorporate trading into your everyday life.

Don’t keep your friends family in the dark. Talk to them about what it is your doing, your goals and dreams. You might be surprised where the conversations take you!

Family, chores, community events, they all need our attention. Keep your priorities straight. Don’t neglect your family, kids, or friends, but don’t ignore the markets either. Find a happy balance. There are certainly challenges along the way, but as the saying goes, C’est la Vie “such is life.”

Have an open mind, embrace life’s challenges, and be ready toĀ seizeĀ opportunities when they present themselves!

Have a comment or response, by all means share your thoughts below!

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Trading for Life ,
About Tim Racette
Tim Racette is a day trader of 15+ years in the E-mini futures and swing trader of stocks. Mountain biker, lover of the outdoors, and explorer. Tim is an ASU Sun Devil and a Chicagoland Native now living in sunny Scottsdale, AZ.
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  1. […] Fall is Here! And so are a Few Changes is a post from: EminiMind […]

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